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Enchanted Evening-Building Hope Gala Announced with Habitat MCTX

The Building Hope Gala will have a plated dinner, live and silent auctions, a homeowner testimonial, and more

Enchanted Evening-Building Hope Gala Announced with Habitat MCTX
Image Courtesy of Taylorized PR

Montgomery County Charities tagged interest

The Annual Building Hope Gala presented by LGI Homes is Saturday, April 2, 2022, at 6:30pm at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott. This year’s Building Hope Gala is presented by LGI Homes honoring Lisa and Fred Koetting and the Red Hat crew. The Enchanted Evening will be a celebration of home, families, and the future of Habitat for Humanity Montgomery County with Co-Chairs Kelsey Casey and Shirelle Chimenti.

“I have seen firsthand what a home can do for a family and the change of trajectory that happens when a family moves from being renters to homeowners”, shared Shirelle. My family and I strongly support the mission of this great organization and I can’t wait to see the success that comes from this event that I am honored to co-chair with my friend Kelsey”.

For over a decade Lisa and Fred Koetting have dedicated themselves to the mission and success of Habitat for Humanity in Montgomery County. Lisa was the Auction Chair for the inaugural Building Hope Gala in 2011, Co-Chair of the Building Hope Gala for three years, and actively served on the Gala Committee for another four years. Lisa’s strong leadership and passionate advocacy has shined awareness on the growing need for affordable housing inspiring members of our community to volunteer and raise funds for Habitat’s vision and mission in Montgomery County. 

Lisa and Fred also pursued another tangible way to partner with Habitat. When the affiliate needed a larger home improvement donation center and retail store, Fred Koetting, President of Schulte Building Systems, readily advised the Habitat team on the architectural design and provided the steel building materials at cost. The Koetting’s valued contribution to the construction of the 20,000 square foot ReStore at Woodforest Center on State Hwy 242 provided the foundation for a sustainable source of retail income supporting the affiliate’s ongoing home construction and repair program.

“As a local real estate professional, I watch the housing market closely and realized there is a dire need for affordable housing in Montgomery County”, said Kelsey Casey. “I am a proud supporter of Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County and thrilled to be co-chairing such a wonderful event with my close friend, Shirelle!”
The amazing Red Hat Crew is a group of loyal weekly construction volunteers who have tirelessly given of their time and talents over many years. These dedicated men and women work several days each week to prepare the construction site and assist in leading house build volunteers on the Saturday workdays. The Red Hat Crew has been instrumental in progressing and completing construction of almost twenty homes in recent years with the Covid-related restrictions on other volunteers. The diligent efforts of the Red Hat Crew made the dream of homeownership a reality for our partner families.

“The Building Hope Gala Committee are the visionaries and founders for this event who have invested so much into Habitat so we can build affordable housing and provide home repairs to our neighbors”, said Vicki Johnson, executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County. “This year we honor and say thank you to the Koettings and the Red Hat Crew who have been a blessing to enable us to deliver the Habitat mission to our local community!”

This year the Building Hope Gala will have a plated dinner, live and silent auctions, a homeowner testimonial, and a concluding “Build A Home” paddles up event motivating attendees to raise funds for the construction costs of several future homes. Music entertainment will be provided by Password encouraging dancing through the end of the event.
Tickets and Sponsorships are available online at  Individual tickets are $350 and a table of 10 sponsorship starts at $3500.
Johnson hopes the community embraces the opportunity to participate in the event. “The Building Hope Gala is Habitat’s premier fundraising event. For the past nine years, an amazing group of volunteers who embrace the vision and mission of Habitat come together to give of their time and resources to raise money to ensure that more families in Montgomery County have a place to call home. Please join us in assisting families to live safely in an affordable home”.

Every family deserves the opportunity to have a safe, affordable home for a better, healthier, and stable life. Habitat provides a safe neighborhood, community social gatherings, opportunities to give back, and diminishes the fear of escalated mortgages. Families are qualified based on need, willingness to partner with Habitat, and their ability to repay a mortgage in an affordable payment plan. Habit for Humanity finances the home in a 20-year interest-free mortgage.

Related Article: Habitat MCTX and Lowe’s address COVID-19 Impact on Women during International Women Build Week
“The need for affordable housing in Montgomery County has never been greater, as one of the fastest growing areas in the country”, said Larry Abston, the 2019 BBuilding Houilding Hope Gala Community Honoree. “The Koettings and the Red Hat Crew are well deserving of being the 2022 Building Hope Gala Honorees as having demonstrated their longstanding servant leadership in giving back to the community in such a meaningful way. They inspire the best in all of us and make our community stronger.” 

Since 1989, Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County, TX has worked with volunteers and donors to improve the lives of families and individuals through affordable homeownership. With a hammer in hand, Habitat MCTX volunteers are building homes, communities, hope, and shaping futures. You can help us build foundations for life by volunteering your time or your resources to Habitat MCTX at or email Nicole Davis at
The community can contribute to Habitat by shopping at the ReStore. ReStore is a non-profit home improvement store and donation center that directly assists Habit for Humanity Montgomery County by selling gently used or new furniture, home accessories, building materials, fixtures, and other sellable home products at a reduced price. The ReStore is located at 9407 Hwy 242 in Conroe. Open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00am-5:00pm donations may be dropped off as deductible donation or scheduled for pick up by calling (936) 441-5888. Volunteers also welcome.

Learn more about Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County, the application process to become a homeowner and many other programs including the Women Build, Home Preservation and Repair, Veteran Build and upcoming events by visiting the website at or the Facebook page at

January 23, 2022

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